Cerec 1 Visit Dentistry

CEREC® stands for CEramic REConstruction.
The technology revolutionized dentistry by effectively replacing the need for a Dental Laboratory to manufacture all ceramic restorations. The tooth is prepared by the dentist and then a 3D image is taken with a special camera that sends the information to a computer.
The dentist then design the new CROWN, VENEER, INLAY or BRIDGE with the software and then sends the design to a milling unit. The design is then milled out and the dentist can fit the restoration in the patient's mouth. No need for impressions or second visits! For our patients this means fewer injections, less drilling and less time to take off to visit the dentist! To finally say goodbye to that ‘METAL MOUTH', choose CEREC natural fillings. CEREC® makes it possible to prepare, design and fit all ceramic restorations in only 1 single visit!
Scroll down to watch the video to learn more about CEREC.
The Ceramic
- The CEREC® restorations are made from ceramic, a natural substance that is compatible with the body. It has the same characteristics as normal healthy enamel.
- It is similarly hard wearing, unaffected by hot / cold (coffee or ice-cream) and wear the same as enamel when grinding food.
- The ceramic is so smooth that bacteria cannot penetrate it
- No metallic taste
- No effects from electric currents ("shock' as in 2 opposing metal fillings)
Types of CEREC Restorations
- Inlays / Onlays
- Full crowns
- Veneers
- Short span bridges
*To view all our CEREC services available, please click CEREC services.
Benefits of Cerec Inlays
- Restoring of big defects often requires crowning, but with CEREC® inlays the strength of the new tooth is sufficient to eliminate the use of full crowns, which serve in the perseverance of more healthy tooth structure.
- The ceramic is stain resistible and will never discolour.
- The ceramic will not cause opposing tooth wear (Unlike other porcelains)
- Ideal for replacing of metal fillings of any size. (No unsightly "blue-ish" tint on teeth)
- Only 1 visit is necessary.
- Restore cracked or broken teeth.
- Ideal for restoring sensitive teeth due to wear, decay or fracture.
- Ideal for restoring teeth in the patient with a strong bite (grinding teeth).
- Long-lasting and durable restoration.
- No need for full crowning of teeth in many cases.
If you always wanted your metal fillings replaced with beautiful, natural-looking restorations, choose CEREC® Technology today. See video below.
See Our CEREC Services To Same Day Dentistry To Cosmetic Dentistry