Kids Dental Extractions

Removing baby or primary teeth is usually not a very difficult procedure, but a careful discussion is needed first. Parents sometimes feel that the baby tooth will fall out anyway and do not think twice to just have their child's tooth removed.
The truth is that baby teeth are very important in keeping space for the adult teeth and premature removal will cause drifting of the side teeth. This will normally lead to crowding and eventually skew adult teeth. 


Primary teeth encourage the normal development of jaw bones and muscles and ensure that there is space for the permanent teeth to grow into. They also help guide those teeth into position. This means that thinking twice before the extraction of baby teeth is more often a very wise decision.

















children's dentist tableview; children's dentist blouberg   Baby teeth play an important role in keeping space for the adult teeth.




Options to restore the baby tooth
Usually when a tooth is considered to be removed, a lot of tooth decay is present or a big portion of the tooth is fractured or non-restorable. Luckily we can use kids dental crowns to restore even a badly broken molar tooth and thus avoid removal.


If a baby tooth must come out then there is good news! Removal of baby teeth is normally not a complicated procedure due to the tooth having shorter roots than adult teeth. If the adult tooth is 'pushing' directly under the baby tooth then a lot of root resorption usually also had taken place and the baby tooth will feel loose.
Kids are normally very excited about removing a baby tooth as this means that the Tooth Fairy is coming!




Space Maintainers
If a baby tooth must be removed prematurely due to tooth decay, infection or trauma, there is a great solution to preserve the space from closing after the tooth extraction. Keeping the space by placing a space maintainer!




 Kids Services